We held a very successful Fundraiser event on January 20th 2024 at the stunning Dandelion Vineyards in McLaren Vale. 177 people enjoyed the views, beautiful wines, food, and amazing entertainment.
The entertainment included Mark Sales String Quartet, McHarg Creek Blues/Country Trio, music from Jay Dee DJ, Bhutanese dancing and a fashion parade put on by Miss Gladys On Sea, and fire dancing with Emily.
We are so proud to announce that our fundraising target was met and as a result Dr Sangay will be going to India in few weeks’ time to start 2 months of training with Dr Raja Sabapathy at Ganga Hospital. The funds raised from the event will support Dr Sangay’s airfare, accommodation, and training.
We will also be purchasing microsurgical equipment and have bought Dr Sonam, our first Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon in Bhutan, a pair of surgical loupes (glasses). The funds will allow us to purchase burns pressure garments, splints, and exercise equipment for the hand therapy department, changing people’s outcomes and their lives.
In November, I’m going to run a course for therapists with the eminent Alison Taylor from the USA. The fundraiser will pay to run this course in Bhutan for local therapists, and Alison’s travel costs. She has kindly donated 2 weeks of her time.
Bhutan talks about ‘Gross National Happiness’ and Interdependence. The event would not have been possible without the generosity, kindness, and interdependence from so many to make the event a success.
We owe a huge thanks to Zar and Elena Brooks for allowing us to host the event at their beautiful Dandelion Vineyards and providing all the wine free of charge.
A sincere thank you, from my heart, to all those who have donated so generously to the fundraiser. We will post an update in April when we return from Bhutan with some of our outcomes.